Thursday, April 26, 2012

Just A Tip: Tomato Paste

I never thought that I could ever be a girl that had a helpful hint to share from the kitchen but here we go.

There is nothing that drives me crazier than wastefulness in the kitchen so I try to use up every last scrap of food that I bring into my home. It's the reason for Sofi's identity crisis as a garborator.

Nothing drives me more mental that tomato paste.

Rarely do I come across a recipe that requires more than one or two tablespoons, and the rest of the can is a write off.

I actually looked into manufacturing tomato paste in a tube to solve this problem put apparently it has been done. If only they would sell it at Canadian Safeways.

So here is my solution, one that you might find useful.

First, use what you need for the recipe you are working on. Then, lay out several small sheets of plastic wrap and measure out one or two tablespoons of the leftover tomato paste onto each one.

 Wrap it up and toss into the freezer for the next time a recipe calls for some.

Waste free without forcing Sofi to eat four tablespoons of tomato paste.

That dog might turn out ok after all.

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