Friday, February 10, 2012

It's Not My Party... But I'll Cry If I Want To

Oh the days following a birthday. After having my ego stroked for about a week now and celebrating at any given chance, the festivities are officially over. And things are starting to feel weird up in here.

I don't get a cupcake with a candle and a wish with every meal??

You don't want to treat me to lunch??

You're not calling me just to say how much I mean to you and how happy you are that I'm alive??

Yay, is that a present for me??? No? Ok. I didn't think so anyways.

Has it seriously been a half an hour since someone wrote on my Facebook??

This tiara wasn't for everyday wear??


For all of the birthday memories that red wine has stolen away from me, today I found a momento of this years birthday that brought a tear to my eye and that I will hold onto forever.

The most precious card I have ever received from my dear friend/sister/neighbour Gigi. An artist with more natural talent and ability than I can decribe. And she has quite the way with words as well...

Tears. Lots of them.

Not just jealous tears because I wish I had her printing abilities, or laughter tears because the drawing of her cat Betsey is so accurate that I know this isn't the first time Bets has sat for her. Or the fourth time or the hundredth time. Or the last time.

Tears because I have a friend who loves me for me and says it in words that I can believe. Someone who gets me, probably because she is part of me in so many ways. Someone who will lie about my home-made vegetable cake tasting delicious or say that my last rage blackout probably didn't scare him off forever. Someone who can be my reckless partner in crime on a runaway party night and can also appreciate a lovely crafting night in, and with equal vigor.

And she is definitely someone who will not judge me tonight when I ask her to please sing Happy Birthday to me for the last time while I blow out the last candle on my last cupcake.

She'll probably even make sure that my tiara isn't on crooked.

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