Although it was something that was way out of my comfort zone, I was stoked. My mom on the other hand was terrified and as she ascended the ladder looked back at me and said, 'Couldn't you have just gotten me a pedicure like a normal daughter??'. I threw my head back and laughed, thinking what a chicken she was.
That was before my turn.
The thirty foot climb to the top was excruciating and the Mickey Mouse harness made me want to puke.
I was forced to follow through for many reasons. First of all, this terrifying excursion had cost me sixty dollars. Secondly, my mother just did it. Thirdly, the seven and ten year old in the class just did it. And lastly, the instructor told me to jump and this is him:

I don't usually say no to men that look like that.
So off I went, flailing through the air like a drunk baboon, screaming like an injured hyena, and 'praying' like a mantas. A one woman zoo.
After getting the hang of the steps it came time for the dreaded catch. By far the scariest moment of my life that became one of the greatest moments.
The feeling when my hands connected with the instructors and I heard the words 'I've got you', which was my cue to let go of the safety of my own bar, was magical.
And here is the result.
A moment that I will never forget. One that taught me that by letting go and having faith, you can feel like you are on the top of the world.
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